Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Concept of Balance of Payments for Banking & SSC

Balance of Payments for Banking – Introduction

Balance of payments is an overall statement of a country’s economic transactions with the rest of the world over some period – usually 1 year. It includes all outflows and inflows (payments and receipts). Countries have either balance of payment surplus or a balance of payment deficit.
Balance of Payment for Banking is a way of listing receipts and payments in international transactions of a country.

Importance of Balance of Payments

A country has to deal with other countries in respect of the following:
  1. Visible itemswhich include all types of physical goods exported and imported.
  2. Invisible itemswhich include all those services whose export and import are not visible e.g. transport services, medical services, etc.
  3. Capital transferswhich are concerned with capital receipts and capital payments.
In order to acquire these goods, a country will accommodate some capital deficit and this is called Balance of Payments.

Types of Balance of Payments

Balance of Payment can be broken down into:
  1. The Balance of Trade (export and import of goods)
  2. A Balance of Current Account (includes the balance of trade, the balance of services and remittances)
  3. Capital Account (investment and borrowing): The capital account of a country consists of its transaction in financial assets in the form of short-term and long-term lending and borrowing

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